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महिला को जलाकर मारने वाले भाई-बहन को हुई आजीवन कारावास, पानी भरने को लेकर हुआ था विवाद


सीहोर। मध्यप्रदेश के सीहोर में हैंडपंप पर पानी भरने को लेकर हुए विवाद में एक महिला को जलाकर मारने के मामले में द्वितीय अपर सत्र न्यायाधीश कंचन सक्सेना आष्टा ने बड़ा फैसला सुनाया है। द्वितीय अपर सत्र न्यायालय आष्टा ने मामले में आरोपी भाई-बहन को आजीवन कारावास की सजा सुनाई है। इसके साथ ही दोनों आरोपियों पर अर्थदंड भी लगाया गया है।

अदालत ने आरोपी तीतला बाई उर्फ उर्मिला पत्नी भूपेंद्र (30) और रवि पिता मेहरबान सिंह (24) को धारा 302 में आजीवन कारावास की सजा सुनाई है। दोनों आरोपियों पर पांच-पांच हजार रुपये का अर्थदंड भी लगाया गया है। दोनों आरोपी सीहोर के देवली थाना सिद्दीकगंज के रहने वाले हैं।

अतिरिक्त जिला अभियोजन अधिकारी देवेंद्र सिंह ठाकुर के अनुसार 18 मार्च 2021 को ग्राम देवली में मृतका और आरोपी रवि के बीच में हैंडपंप से पानी भरने को लेकर हुए विवाद में गाली-गलौज हो गई। धीरे-धीरे बात हाथापाई तक पहुंच गई। उसी समय रवि की बहन तीतला बाई मौके पर पहुंचकर महिला के साथ गाली-गलौज करने लगी। महिला जब अपने घर की ओर जाने लगी तभी तीतला बाई भी उसके पीछे-पीछे उसके घर पहुंच गई।

घर के अंदर कमरे में तीतला बाई और महिला के बीच झूमा झटकी हुई। फिर तीतला बाई ने वहीं कमरे में एक बर्तन में रखे केरोसिन तेल को महिला के शरीर पर डालकर आग लगा दी। चीख-पुकार की आवाज सुनकर घर के बाहर काम कर रही मृतका की मां (फरियादी) घर के अंदर पहुंची। उसे देखकर तीतला बाई वहां से भाग गई। कुछ देर बाद तीतला का भाई आया और महिला को आग से जला हुआ देखकर भाग गया।

अभियोजन अधिकारी ने आगे बताया कि इसके बाद महिला को परिजन इलाज के लिए अस्पताल ले गए। जहां इलाज के दौरान 21 मार्च 2021 को हमीदिया अस्पताल भोपाल में उसकी मौत हो गई। पुलिस थाना सिद्दीकगंज ने आरोपियों के खिलाफ धारा 302, 120बी के तहत मामला दर्ज कर जांच शुरू कर दी। पूरी जांच के बाद अभियोजन पत्र न्यायालय में एसटी क्र 95/21 पर पंजीबद्ध किया गया।  

अतीक-अशरफ हत्याकांड के तीनों शूटरों से SIT करेगी पूछताछ


प्रयागराज। अतीक अहमद और अशरफ हत्याकांड में आरोपी तीनों शूटरों को पुलिस रिमांड पर लेने की तैयारी में है। अब एसआईटी (SIT) जल्द ही तीनों आरोपियों से पूछताछ करेगी। इसके साथ ही घटनास्थल पर ले जाकर हत्याकांड को रिक्रिएट करेगी। SIT जांच में ADC क्राइम, ACP, इंस्पेक्टर SIT शामिल हैं।

बता दें कि अतीक और उसके भाई अशरफ की हत्या करने वाले तीनों शूटर अरुण मौर्य, सन्नी सिंह और लवलेश तिवारी को प्रयागराज की अदालत में पेश किया गया था। पुलिस ने तीनों की कोर्ट से रिमांड भी मांगी थी, लेकिन इस पर सुनवाई न हो सकी। अब कोर्ट ने तीनों आरोपियों को 14 दिन की न्यायिक हिरासत के लिए भेजा है।

जानकारी के अनुसार अतीक-अशरफ हत्याकांड के तीनों शूटरों को नैनी जेल से प्रतापगढ़ जिला कारागार में शिफ्ट कर दिया गया है। शूटर सनी सिंह, लवलेश तिवारी और अरुण मौर्य 15 अप्रैल को घटना के तुरंत बाद मौके से ही पकड़ लिए गए थे। रविवार को उन्हें कोर्ट में पेश किया गया था जहां रिमांड मंजूर होने पर नैनी जेल भेज दिया गया था।

अतीक और अशरफ की हत्या के बाद यूपी में धारा 144 लागू, 17 पुलिसकर्मी सस्पेंड


माफिया अतीक अहमद (Atique Ahmed) और उसके भाई अशरफ (Ashraf Ahmed) की गोली मारकर हत्या कर दी गई। इस घटना को लेकर पुलिस ने ये दावा किया है कि सिर्फ एक कोतवाल और 6 पुलिस जवान घटना के दौरान साथ थे। किसी भी अन्य व्यक्ति को गोली नहीं लगी है। फिलहाल तीन संदिग्ध हिरसात में लिए गए है।

वहीं सूत्रों की माने तो हमले के तुरंत बाद यूपी एडीजी ला एंड ऑर्डर प्रशांत कुमार सीएम योगी से मिलने पहुंचे हैं। जानकारी ये भी मिली है कि डीजीपी को सीएम योगी ने तलब किया है और सीएम योगी इस घटनाक्रम को लेकर बेहद नाराज है।

पुलिस ने बताया कि लवलेश तिवारी, सनी और अरुण मौर्य ने अतीक और अशरफ की गोली मारकर हत्या की है। एक वीडियो भी सोशल मीडिया पर जमकर वायरल हो रहा है जिसमें गोली मारने के बाद हत्यारे जय श्री राम के नारे लगाते हुए नज़र आ रहे हैं।

सूत्रों की माने तो ये भी बताया जा रहा है कि 3 सदस्यीय न्यायिक आयोग अतीक अहमद हत्या की जांच करेगा। साथ ही मुख्यमंत्री योगी ने 17 पुलिस कर्मी को सस्पेंड करने के भी निर्देश दिए है। अतीक और अशरफ की हत्या के बाद यूपी के सभी जिलों में धारा 144 लागू कर दी गयी है।

प्रयागराज की घटना के बाद लखनऊ कमिश्नरेट पुलिस अलर्ट मोड पर आई। पुराने लखनऊ के हुसैनाबाद में पैदल गश्त किया। पुलिस ने लोगों से संवाद कर भीड़ ना लगाने की हिदायत दी। जनता से साथ ही साथ पैनिक ना होने की अपील करते पुलिस कमिश्नर ने क्षेत्र का जायज़ा लिया।

पत्नी की हत्या कर मायके वालों को फोन करके कहा, छोरी को मार दिया है, उसे उठा ले जाओ


इंदौर। इंदौर के खजराना इलाके में एक महिला की पति ने हत्या कर दी। पत्नी की हत्या करने के बाद आरोपी पति ने पत्नी के परिवारवालों को फोन करके महिला की मौत की जानकारी दी और कहा कि तुम्हारी छोरी को मार दिया है, आकर उसे उठा ले जाओ। परिवार के लोग मौके पर पंहुचते तब तक मकान मालिक महिला को अस्पताल ले जा चुके थे, जहां पर महिला की मौत हो गई।

फिलहाल हत्या का कारण तो पता नहीं चला है, लेकिन महिला के परिवार के लोगों का आरोप है कि आरोपी पति महिला पर शक किया करता था।
रुखसार पति इरफान (28) को कल रात नाज़ुक हालत में इलाज के लिए एमवायएच लाया गया था जहां इलाज के दौरान उसकी मौत हो गई। रुखसार के परिजनों के अनुसार आरोपी इरफान का कल उनके पास फोन आया था। फोन पर आरोपी ने बताया था कि तुम्हारी बेटी को मार दिया है। उसे आकर उठा लो।

आरोपी पति ने रुखसार के सिर पर पत्थर से वार किया जिसके बाद उसकी मौत हो गयी। घटना के बाद वह घर से बैग लेकर फरार हो गया। परिवार का कहना है कि उन्हें यह तो नहीं पता कि किस बात को लेकर दोनों के बीच विवाद हुआ था। लेकिन इतना ज़रूर पता है कि आरोपी पत्नी पर शक किया करता था जिसके चलते वह अक्सर उसके साथ मारपीट भी करता था। मामले की जानकारी मिलते ही पुलिस भी मौके पर पहुंच गई। फिलहाल आरोपी के खिलाफ केस दर्ज कर कार्रवाई शुरू हो गई है।

परिवार का कहना है कि आरोपी इससे पहले भी रुखसार पर कई बार हमला कर चुका था। आरोपी दवा बाजार में काम करता था जहां से वो नशीली दवाइयां लाता और नशा करने के बाद बेदर्दी से पत्नी के साथ मारपीट करता था। बताया जा रहा है कि महिला गर्भवती थी।

Supreme Court rejects ‘dosa king’ Rajagopal’s plea for relief


Obsession can be self-destructive. The Saravana Bhavan founder, P Rajagopal, was accused of the abduction and murder of Shantakumar, husband of Jeevajyothi, whom he wanted to marry in 2001. The Supreme Court has now rejected his plea for relief on medical grounds.

Justice NV Ramana on Tuesday rejected the extension of deadline and said he must surrender immediately. Rajagopal was out on bail granted to him in 2009 on health grounds and was directed by the court to surrender by July 7.

The top court had in March confirmed the punishment of life sentence on P Rajagopal for the murder of Santhakumar. Delivering its verdict, a three judge bench of justices N.V. Ramana, Mohan M. Shantanagoudar and Indira Banerjee had held that, ”Having regard to the entire material on record and the totality of the facts and circumstances, we find that the evidence on record fully proves the case of the prosecution.”

In 2001, P Rajagopala was accused of the abduction and murder of Shantakumar, husband of Jeevajyothi, whom he wanted to marry. The woman was already married and rejected his advances, but Rajagopal did not stop. He started giving threats, beatings, and exorcism directed towards the woman, her husband and her family. In 2001, after one failed attempt, the husband was murdered on Rajagopal’s orders.

Horrendous Dowry Killing in Bihar


Dowry is a social evil. We all have been listening about the adverse effect of dowry and how it pull back our society to dark-ages. Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 is the Constitutional framework to eradicate this social virus. It was expected that with the increase in literacy and arrival of education would completely annihilate this issue. All assumptions and expectations collapsed after this incident.

Rahul Kumar, a resident of village Kadirganj (District Nawada), lost his 2 sisters to the demon of dowry. In an open letter, he narrated the background, the scenario and the incident. He fears that the influence of Ravi Kumar would change the postmortem report as well as destroy all the evidences against him.

His Letter


I am Rahul Kumar, S/O- Raghunath Prasad, Resident of Vill. + PS- Kadirganj, Dist. Nawada wanted to inform you that I have lost my 2 sisters, named: Priyanka Kumari (25 years) married to Mr. Ravi Kumar a.k.a, Sanjeev Kumar  and Rani Kumari (17 years), unmarried on date 1 May 2018 near Vill. – Bihta, Post – Alipur, P.S- Salimpur, Dist. – Patna.

Narrating the detail of the incident, on May 1 2018, a phone call appeared to be from Mr. Kaushal Kishore, a neghbour of Mr. Ravi Kumar on my small brother Mr. Rohit Kumar’s cell phone. On this call, Mr. Kaushal Kishore around 11.50 AM narrated that my both sisters drowned at River Ganga near Lakhipur, Salimpur. Immediately after hearing this unexpected incidence on the call, we were trying to call Mr. Ravi Kumar, the husband of my elder sister but despite of constant trial to have the conversation, his number was not going through and thus in this panic situation, we were unable to contact him. Afterwards, we called Mr. Vibhuti Kumar, the nephew of Mr. Ravi Kumar and he gave us the information about the drowning of my both sisters in River Ganga and informed me that NDRF team is about to come at location for search. Then upon repetitive calling to Mr. Vibhuti Kumar, at around 1 pm he informed us that NDRF team has already arrived on the location for search.

My family members and my relatives arrived at the location which was conveyed to us as the drowning point around 5 pm and we found that there was no NDRF team present which was found to be against the statement provided by Mr. Vibhuti Kumar that day in afternoon on the call. Meanwhile that day I was in my college, ISM Dhanbad and my friends during noon time, called NDRF by getting their contact info. from Internet and thus got the contact details of SDRF and informed about the incidence and requested them to be on the location for help and rescue. Afterwards, my friends at ISM Dhanbad fetched the contact details of SDO, Barh and provided the information of the incidence and requested local bodies to arrive at the location for help and rescue. Later we found that SDRF team were on the location around 6.45 PM on May 1, 2018.

While during the day of incidence, my family were completely put in dilemma and constantly false information were being provided and we were unable to get in contact with Mr. Ravi Kumar till my family arrived at the location. The SDRF team performed the search operation for about 2 hours that day but failed to found the body.

I also want to give you the background of the things that were happening with my elder sister from her in-laws and husband. My elder sister, Priyanka was married on 10th June, 2014 with Hindu customs and rituals to Mr. Ravi Kumar and on the name of expenses and gift, my father paid Rs. 4,00,000/- to the father of Mr. Ravi Kumar. Soon after the marriage, we constantly heard about the conflicts and home abuse for my sister from Mr. Ravi Kumar and his family. The family of Mr. Ravi Kumar and his family constantly demanded the large amounts of money from my father and mother, from time to time and always threatened my sister and tortured my sister mentally. Even when my sister was pregnant, Mr. Ravi Kumar and his family demanded the money from my parents and tortured my sister during her pregnancy too. There were times when my sister was at my home, and Mr. Ravi Kumar used to call her and asked her to get the money from my parents. When my mother got to know this matter when my sister used to cry, my parents were forced to pay a large amount of money. Despite this, it was their  constant act of cruelty and habit to torture my sister and demand more money on a periodical basis. When my parents denied about the money several times, they warned my sister for severe consequences.

When this incidence took place, we are suspecting it to be a murder because of the nature of this incidence and story followed thereafter. On 3rd May 2018 we were informed about the body that it was found around 10 AM by SDRF team. (The photographs immediately captured is attached with this letter and prima facie, it is evident that it seems not to be a death by drowning but by killing and then the body was thrown in the River Ganga or forcefully they were drowned).

The bodies of my sisters were sent to Postmortem post-noon of 3rd May 2018 at Post Ofice Ghat in Barh under the supervision of Dr. Vikash. After the performance of postmortem, the bodies were handed over to my family for death rituals.

Based on the past incidences and aftermath of the current incident, we are sure and confident that the postmortem reports can be forged under the local political and power influence by Mr. Ravi Kumar and his family and the real reason of death cannot appear on surface and we couldn’t get justice that we deserve. Indeed, due to the nature of the influence that Mr. Ravi Kumar and his family owns on local administration due to their political lobby and nature of the business they are in (they own 2-3 ITI colleges), we are sure that they can tampered the reports and influence the investigation to a lot extent. Aftermath of this incident, we filed an FIR at PS – Salimpur, Dist. – Patna on 13th May 2018 for further investigation of this incident. On 14th May 2018, there was a conversation on mobile phone between Mr. Ravi Kumar and my younger brother, Mr. Rohit Kumar. During the conversation (the recorded audio clip is attached with this letter), Mr. Ravi Kumar threatened about our future and told that “I have seen multiple cases like this from 1995… and I am not going to leave anyone based upon my power and money…”.

Based on all these incidences, we are highly confident that Mr. Ravi Kumar and his family can put a force on the Doctor who performed postmortem under the political and local influence.

I am writing this letter to have a sincere request to you to please look into this matter and set up a investigation in the right spirit to find out the real truth and help my family get the justice. The intent of the request is to enable a right investigation under supervision of right team, which doesn’t get influenced by the local politics and administration and which works independently. We also want an independent medical team to get set up to further examine the postmortem analysis.

I know I am not going to get my sisters back and my parents are also aware of the loss. But I have full faith and confidence in the Jurisdiction, the Government, the Police and the Investigations agency and amid this light of confidence and trust, I hope that the justice will take place in the right spirit of truth.


Thanking you and Regards,


Rahul Kumar, 

Son of Raghunath Prasad, 

Vill. + Post – Kadirganj, 

Dist. – Nawada, Bihar 

Pin – 805104 

Rahul Kumar has contacted all the stalwarts of Hindi media and their reaction is pending. May he get the justice and the culprit the death sentence.

Sooraj Pancholi Charged for Abetment to Suicide


Actor Sooraj Pancholi has been charged with abetment to suicide (Section 306, Indian Penal Code).  in the case of his ex-girlfriend Jiah Khan’s suicide, by a Mumbai sessions court on Tuesday. The trial is expected to begin on February 17.

Sooraj Pancholi, centre, with his parents after he was granted bail in July 2013, shortly after the death of Jiah Khan.
Source: Hindustan Times

Actor Jiah Khan committed suicide in 2013 in her flat in Juhu, Mumbai. She left a suicide note, in which she blamed Sooraj for ruining her life.

Source: Times of India

The charge of abetment of suicide under Section 306 of the IPC attracts a maximum punishment of 10 years in jail. Pancholi’s lawyer, Prashant Patil, withdrew the discharge plea which he had submitted earlier.

The CBI said that before committing suicide, Jiah had a tiff with Sooraj. The charge-sheet also described in detail the abortion procedure Jiah underwent when she was four weeks pregnant in January 2013. In his statement, the doctor who prescribed the pills to her said two days after consuming the pills, he received a call from Sooraj stating that “half of the stuff “(foetus) was still stuck inside Jiah. The doctor advised him to take her to a hospital. However, Sooraj called him again and said he had helped her pull out the “remaining stuff”. The CBI said Jiah had mentioned the abortion in her note. The note reads: “I was scared of getting pregnant but I gave you myself completely. The pain you have caused me every day has destroyed every bit of me. Destroyed my soul and I aborted our baby when it hurt me deeply.”

Rabia Amin’s Reaction

After the day’s proceedings, Rabia said: “At last today the court has gone ahead with framing of charges. At last the journey to reveal the truth has begun… I would have been happier if more serious charges had been framed after investigating the scientific evidence… For this purpose, I will go to the high court. I’m sure the truth will come out, that my daughter was murdered.”

Pancholi’s are ‘relieved’

Instead of feeling stressed about it, the actor and his family are feeling relieved that the case can finally go forward and they can actually fight it now and achieve closure.

“We are very happy [that the trial is beginning]. We have been waiting for this day for the past four-and-a-half years. Now the real trial begins, now we will fight the actual fight. If we are guilty, Sooraj will be punished; and if we are not, then Sooraj will be set free,” said Sooraj’s father, actor Aditya Pancholi.